Materials and Mechanics Laboratory (MASTER Lab) is a part of the Marine Engineering Department at the Faculty of Maritime Studies Rijeka, Croatia. MASTER Lab focuses on the research of:
- material properties in the different environmental conditions (marine environment, elevated temperature, etc.),
- structural behaviour at the limit stress state (high stress, fatigue and fracture).
MASTER Lab deals with:
- traditional materials (metals, polymers),
- modern materials (composites; additively manufactured (3D-printed) materials).
MASTER Lab uses:
- analytical method to solve problems in engineering mechanics,
- experimental methods for material characterization,
- numerical method for stress and strain structural analysis.
MASTER Lab works on:
- application and implementation of research projects,
- cooperation with other research and business institutions,
- teaching at BSC, MSc and PhD level,
- popularization of science.
Employees of the Faculty of Maritime Studies:
- Dr. sc. Goran Vukelić, head,
- Dr. sc. Dean Bernečić,
- Dr. sc. Goran Vizentin,
- Darko Glujić, mag. ing.,
- Tomislav Krljan, mag. ing.
- Benjamin Mihaljec, mag. ing.
External associates:
- Florian Sedmak, Shipyard 3. Maj,
- Ljubomir Pozder, Shipyard 3. Maj,
- Toni Vidulin, Shipyard Viktor Lenac.
List of the research equipment:
- universal machine for material inspection Hegewald-Peschke Inspekt table 20 kN,
- 3D scanner SOL Pro Scan,
- 3D printer MakerBot METOD X Carbon Fiber,
- Polimaster Polysher,
- mobile hardness tester Insize,
- optical microscope Kern OLE 161 with digital eyepiece,
- ultrasonic gauge Sonatest T-Gage VDLW,
- penetrant testing set,
- endoscope camera PeakTech 5600,
- thermal camera FLIR C3-X,
- lathe C0636Ax1000 mm,
- milling machine Farrox ZX7045B1,
- finite element software Ansys,
- shredder, extruder, spooler Felfil.
List of projects:
- INNO2MARE, Horizon Europe, 2023-2026,
- Healthy Sailing, Horizon Europe, 2022-2025,
- Failure analysis of additively manufactured steel in marine environment, funded by the University of Rijeka, 2024-2025,
- Marine Composite Material Recycling and Re-use, funded by the University of Rijeka (ZIP project line), 2023-2026,
- Failure analysis of materials in marine environment, funded by the University of Rijeka, 2019-2023,
- Numerical modelling of crack occurrence and propagation, funded by the University of Rijeka, 2013-2018,
- Marine Structural Failures Database, funded by the International Association of Maritime Universities (IAMU), 2017-2018
Papers published in scientific journals available here.
BSc, MSc and PhD thesis available here.